
Showing posts from August, 2010

Make Less Money to Have More

I am going through a transition where right now I am making less money but I am much happier than I was when I made much more.  Sounds odd I know but it's true.  Yes, it has been an adjustment but not nearly as painful as I thought it would be.  Take a look at this video on how you can actually end up making even more money in the long run by doing work that you love. "Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears." - Les Brown

Destination Unknown

I wonder what's down the road.  I wonder what is around the corner.  I wonder where my efforts will lead me.  There are times that I wish I had a crystal ball to give me at least a hint or glimpse of the future.  I'm excited about the possibilities but am trying to live in the moment...taking each day, each hour, each moment at a time.

Follow Ups

This past week I have been busy with the business of follow ups.  I have had business contacts to follow up with, my life coach to follow up with, and job interviews to follow up with.  The important thing about the follow up is to bring clarity to a situation as to next steps or in some instances, closure.  The other important thing about the follow up is the exchange of valuable feedback.  I especially like it when this is possible because I always want to know if there are ways that I can improve myself or offer suggestions to others.    For the most part I can say that I have had some successful communication these past few days.  Some people and/or companies are better than others.  There are three businesses that were supposed to follow up with me that I have yet to hear from with next steps but in those cases I did not let too much time go by without sending out my own communication just to keep myself top of mind with them. Right now I ...


I'm posting this video link for a very special friend of mine who is going through some serious challenges. Joyce Meyers speaks on "The hope of seeing change".  If you are going through something and are feeling like you are losing hope please invest time to watch.  Joyce delivers a great message as always