Follow Ups

This past week I have been busy with the business of follow ups.  I have had business contacts to follow up with, my life coach to follow up with, and job interviews to follow up with.  The important thing about the follow up is to bring clarity to a situation as to next steps or in some instances, closure.  The other important thing about the follow up is the exchange of valuable feedback.  I especially like it when this is possible because I always want to know if there are ways that I can improve myself or offer suggestions to others.
For the most part I can say that I have had some successful communication these past few days.  Some people and/or companies are better than others.  There are three businesses that were supposed to follow up with me that I have yet to hear from with next steps but in those cases I did not let too much time go by without sending out my own communication just to keep myself top of mind with them.

Right now I am playing the persistence-patience game.  It sounds like an oxymoron but it's a necessary skill.  Be persistent in doing what needs to be done to work towards and attain goals, but be patient with the process.  I am still excited about the possibilities of what is around the corner for me.  In the meantime, I will continue to, as one of my best friends always says, "do the next right thing."


  1. Well put -

    I'm proud of you, your efforts and attitude - there is a blessing waiting for you because of how well you're approaching all of it.

  2. I am going through the same thing at the moment. Its nice to get a different perspective. I will definately pass this on.


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