Making a Cappuccino with my New Keurig Rivo

One of my favorite beverages is a cappuccino. I discovered my first one at a Starbucks in Lima, Peru and every since, I have one at least one per week. Well, as time went on there would be times I found myself having them more and more often until I started setting a little "Starbucks" budget. That is until now!

 I decided to take a chance and buy a Keurig Rivo cappuccino maker and I'm SO glad that I did. I have had the Rivo for about a month now and have not been to Starbucks since. I'm not saying that I won't ever go back to Starbucks but it will be a lot less.

Below is a Periscope broadcast I did showing how easy it is to prepare one.  If you aren't familiar with Periscope it's where folks tune in to watch your live broadcast and chat to you in the process.

Photo courtesy of 



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