Having an Off Moment

As I write this, I have been in and out of what I'll call "off moments" today.  Most days I am upbeat and positive.  But today has been a struggle of listening to the wrong voice.  That little voice of doubt that can creep in and say things to you that cause feelings of doubt.  I refuse to let that little voice dominate my entire day.  Instead I ask myself, where is it coming from?  Is it because I've taken a few days to relax and not work hard towards my future goals?  Maybe.  Sometimes we're our own worst critic.  I know I am!
Well, the day is still young so I haven't and won't declare myself defeated.  I will keep turning my focus back to the positives and get through these "moments" successfully.  It's up to me to do that.
Here's a video of Positive Affirmations that helps me to refocus...

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do." 
---Pope John XXIII


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