Get Organized!

We've made it to another Friday and I am in my cleaning mode working on organizing lots of things.  How many times have you said to yourself, "where did I put that information?", "I wish I had a better memory," or "if my head wasn't attached to my body I might forget IT!"  I have said all of those things dozens of times. In our busy lives it seems to be a never ending journey to stay organized and on task. Well, I have discovered 2 of my favorite new ways to help reduce the clutter and assist me in remembering all things big and small. One is called Evernote and the other is Dropbox. Now they both do similar things in that you can store all sorts of documents on a cloud.  For all of you non-geeks out there a cloud is where you store and even back up data so that it's digitized off of post-it notes, scraps of paper, or off of your computer to organize, free up memory, accessible from any computer, and even sharable with others. Information can even be retrieved via mobile phone.  Take a look at the videos below for each of these services to see which one would work best for you and free yourself!


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