My Emancipation

So here I am at the 6 month mark since my "shift"...freeing myself of my prior career and of self limitations.  I am now moving towards living my life with greater purpose.  What are some things that I know now for sure?

  • I am not my job or job title.
  • Meditation promotes peace.
  • Time is truly a gift and every moment counts.
  • My self worth cannot be measured by any salary amount.
  • Giving is fulfilling.
  • There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.
  • Being rich has nothing to do with money.
  • People mean more than things.
  • There is no such thing as coincidence.
  • My intuition is usually right.
  • Emotions are okay, just don't let them rule.
  • Love is bountiful and FREE.
  • Celebrate my authentic self.
  • Put God first in every decision and have blind faith in His guidance.
  • There is always a way even when there seems to be no way.

Not that I didn't know or believe any of these things before.  I've just had more time to focus on how true they all really are and place more value on them.  It's a healthy thing to clean the mental house and prioritize.  And despite any negative things going on in the world or any challenges close to home, I am at peace and know that with hearts and minds in the right place we will be okay.  It's a wonderful thing to discover and know that you are not a victim of your circumstances...and to know that in life there are infinite possibilities.  Sometimes we allow the busyness of life to throw us off track or we get in our own way.  But I'm back on track and it feels good!  I hold the key to my destiny.  Happiness is a choice and I have chosen it.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. - Dr. Wayne Dyer


  1. when you choose the easy way, you'll get what you earn, when you choose your own way, you'll get what you deserve :-) (by myself)

  2. Sarmora this write-up is awesome!!! I love that you are moving towards living with a greater purpose - I share the same sentiment. During my time off, I am enjoying listening and ready from authors (Louise Hey, Wayne Dyer, Abraham Hicks, etc.) who guide in this philosophy. I love now looking at life in a different perspective. Keep up the great write-ups....and even if it's just to me, please keep sharing the positive affirmations

  3. I am so proud of you - for what you've done, for what you've learned and for who you've become - great stuff. - R


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