Shift from Ambition to Meaning

"The Shift" by Wayne Dyer is a movie essentially about letting go and letting God.  According to Dr. Dyer there is a quantum moment where the ego driven life changes and there's a realization that life has deeper meaning.  It is the shift from ambition to meaning, from a sense of entitlement to a sense of humility.
In the movie there are 3 story lines where various characters start to see their lives breakdown as they make that shift.  Dr. Dyer is also in the movie acting as himself  He narrates describing the meaning of this shift and all that is involved in understanding our true purpose. 

I found a copy of this movie online that I could link to so while it's still available please take some time out to watch  and let me know your thoughts.   Enjoy!

If the video embed below doesn't work try following this link 
and then once there click "continue to video".
We are powerful beings who come from God, our source.  Trusting our source ends the fight, the strife, the stress of life then leads us to joy and true fulfillment.


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