An Important Tool for Networking

Getting in touch with my inner peace hasn't been all I've been up to lately . I've been actively building my personal brand via networking events, social networking websites, my blogs, and a personal website.

Another tool that I've added to my arsenal surprisingly isn't a high tech gadget, online widget, or anything at all complicated. It's something everyone should have whether employed or unemployed...a networking business card.

Networking business cards are a simple but effective way to provide people with your information, get their attention and keep them engaged. It's great for people who are in between careers or recent graduates who don’t yet have a “job title". Pertinent information to provide on the card would be the obvious name, address, phone number,email address, and web address. Additional information to include should be your industry, specialty, or any specialized license. People tend to save business cards and they are small, portable, and provide critical career and contact information for people you meet in social and professional situations.

There are many places you can go to get a good deal on printed business cards. I went through iPrint for mine because they have many templates to choose from or you can create your own.

Networking business cards...don't get caught out without them!


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